Monday 8 December 2014

Last Friday all the Ty's went on a maths trip to Rathbeggan lake in co.meath. We stayed there for about two hours. We all got in to groups of 4 and did separate maths problems around the lake. After, we then went to blancherstown shopping centre for lunch. We stayed there for a good while then went back to school for 3:20 it was a good day overall and i enjoyed it.
   We are off school in two weeks for Christmas and i'm really excited. Next week in the school we all have Christmas exams and on Wednesday all the Ty's are going to see elf the musical in the bord gais. It will be good fun.

Monday 1 December 2014

fashion show!!

Last week in school we had the fashion show that we have been planning from the start of the year. It lasted over two nights and it was great fun. I sold my mini company idea at the fashion show. I had to sell it on my own as the other people in my group were being models. Everyone was great. Lots of people modelled in the fashion show including some of the teachers and they all showed off clothes from different shops. A few people sang and danced and it really was a great night.